
艺术专家 > 唐瑾 Jin Tang

唐瑾 Jin Tang



  唐瑾,知名旅德奥青年钢琴家,上音附中钢琴科副教授。12岁她即在日本举办钢琴独奏会,后以独奏家身份演出足迹遍及欧洲、美国、日本及中国的重要音乐厅如萨尔兹堡音乐大厅、维也纳大厅、德国瓦瑟堡市政大厅、意大利格罗塞托大剧院、日本萨拉曼卡音乐厅、爱知县文化中心、上海交响乐团音乐厅、上海音乐厅、东方艺术中心、重庆大剧院、杭州大剧院、宁夏大剧院等。曾与世界级指挥家Dennis Russel Davis和莫扎特大学交响乐团合作演出门德尔松协奏曲,也在奥地利和德国联合举办的为纪念“莫扎特诞辰250周年”活动中,与意大利指挥Simone Fontanelli及萨尔兹堡-慕尼黑联合交响乐团演出莫扎特不同时期的钢琴协奏曲(分别演奏现代钢琴和古钢琴)。与她合作过的指挥和乐团还包括日本指挥佐佐木宏及大阪FORTE交响乐团、中国著名指挥曹鹏和上海城市交响乐团、张亮和上海爱乐乐团、德国指挥Elahiu von Erlenbach及宁波交响乐团等。受邀在德国贝波尔湖音乐节、萨尔兹堡夏季音乐节、圣加伦音乐节、美国VCU全球音乐节、上音国际钢琴大师班等著名音乐节上演奏。2015年唐瑾在德国莱比锡巴赫音乐节上举办《巴赫对话中国当代音乐》钢琴独奏音乐会,这是巴赫音乐节向中国钢琴家发出的第二封邀请。她的演奏被欧洲媒体誉为:“充满高贵的文化韵味……”


  作为中国当代钢琴音乐的积极推广者和演奏者,唐瑾常首演和演出许多中国著名作曲家,如杨立青、王建中、陈其钢、许舒亚、温德青、叶国辉、陈牧声、陆培、陈强斌等作品,还曾演奏过奥地利作曲家克劳斯·阿格Klaus Ager、Alfred Peschek、美国作曲家Virko Baley等的音乐。在唐瑾的积极推动和亲自参与下,萨尔兹堡莫扎特国立大学、日本歧阜教育委员会和中日新闻社,都于2007年举办了“为纪念上海音乐学院成立80周年”海外校庆新作品音乐会。2008年,上海音乐学院特邀奥地利作曲家、演奏家和她共同举办了“中国-奥地利”新作品音乐会。她还获邀在多届上海音乐学院当代音乐周、上音中国钢琴音乐百年经典展演、首届华人音乐创作鼓浪屿笔会专场音乐会、南宁东盟当代艺术节等多个当代音乐节上演奏新作品。杨立青教授对她在2009第二届当代音乐周上首演的其两首作品《九首山西民歌主题钢琴曲》和《小奏鸣曲》尤其赞赏:“她的演奏音色优美,意境丰富,画面感很强…”

  唐瑾自小以优异成绩考入上音附小,并免试直升上音附中、钢琴系本科,师从郑曙星、范民娟、沈枚、吴迎、邵丹等教授。后赴欧跟随俄罗斯钢琴大师Alexei Lubimov教授(俄罗斯伟大钢琴宗师涅高兹Heinrich Neuhaus 的关门弟子)和德国钢琴大师Markus Groh教授(比利时伊丽莎白王后国际钢琴比赛金奖获得者)深造,以优异成绩成为中国大陆首位奥地利萨尔兹堡莫扎特大学钢琴表演硕士,并获德国汉诺威戏剧与音乐学院艺术家(硕士)文凭。曾在上海国际青少年钢琴大赛、日本“维也纳音乐”国际钢琴大赛、奥地利Getwings- Steinwey等比赛中获奖,也获奥地利政府科教文艺术奖学金及莫扎特大学院长奖学金。

  归国后唐瑾坚持钢琴演奏、学术研究及钢琴教学的全面发展。2008年她的《巴洛克宫廷舞蹈音乐》研究项目获上海浦江人才计划资助,并获浦江学者称号。2009年她与德国著名历史舞蹈家Jutta·Voss共同举办的巴洛克宫廷舞蹈讲座和表演被列入上海市重点学科- 上音钢琴系重点科研项目之一,这也是巴洛克宫廷舞蹈结合巴赫钢琴音乐首次在国内的学术研究和尝试。之后,她在第四届上音钢琴师资培训班、上音附中第三届巴洛克音乐周等重大学术活动及全国多所专业院校举办了《巴赫舞蹈组曲中的历史演奏风格》学术讲座,并在国家音乐类核心期刊上音学报《音乐艺术》上发表相关论文。





Tang Jin, celebrated Chinese pianist coming back from Austria and Germany. Her first piano recital took place in Japan when she was only 12 years old. As a soloist, Tang has been invited to perform at the famous venues in Europa, America, Japan and China, including Salzburg Grosser Hall, Vienna Hall, Wasserburg Rathaus Hall, Italy Grosseto Grand Theatre, Japan Salamanca Hall and Aichi Culture Center, Shanghai Symphony Hall, Shanghai Concert Hall, Oriental Art Center, Chongqing Grand Theatre, Hangzhou Grand Theatre and Ningxia Grand Theatre, etc. She had cooperated with world-famous conductor Dennis Russel Davis and Symphony Orchestra of Mozarteum University performing Mendelsohn Concerto. During the commemoration of “the 250th Anniversary of Mozart” held jointly by Austria and Germany, she was invited to perform two Mozart’s piano concertos, cooperating with Salzburg-Munich Joint Symphony Orchestra. She had performed with orchestras including Osaka FORTE Symphony Orchestra, Shanghai Philharmonic Orchestra and Ningbo Philharmonic Orchestra. Moreover, she had been invited to perform at Bebersee Festival Germany, Salzburg Festival and St. Gallen Festival Austria, VCU Global Music Festival USA, International Piano Festival Shanghai Conservatory of Music (SCM) etc. As a visiting artist, she was invited to give exchange performance at the Music College of University of Nevada , Las Vegas USA and Malmö Academy of Music, Lund University Sweden. In 2015, Tang Jin held her piano recital themed “Dialogue between Bach and Chinese New Music” at Bach Fest Leipzig, Germany. The recital was highly reputed by European media, “overflowed with noblest cultural lingering charm……” 

During the recent years, Tang Jin has been presenting her recital tours in more than 20 cities nationwide in China. Her recitals have been reported by many mainstream media, such as Shanghai Daily, Music Weekly, Piano Art Magazine, Eastday.com and ifeng.com, etc. “Tang Jin’s performance style naturally inherits features of German and Austrian piano school--- restrained, calm, with inner strength, full of rationality …… She conquers the audience not only with superb skills, but also with delicate and sensitive music expression”, said Music Critics Xinmin Evening News. FM94.7 Classical of Radio Shanghai interviewed her and broadcasted her recitals many times. 

As an active promoter and performer of Chinese contemporary music, Tang Jin often presents premiere and plays the works of many Chinese prominent contemporary composers. Because of her aspiration and participation, Mozarteum University of Salzburg, Japan Gifu Education Committee carried out the Concerts for the New Works to celebrate The 80th Anniversary of SCM in 2007. Together with Austrian composers and performers invited by SCM in 2008, she brought out “China-Austria New Works” Concert. She was invited to play new works during the New Music Week of SCM, Series Concerts of “ A Century Of Piano Solo Works By Chinese Composers” , Pen Club For Composition Of Music On Island Gulang and China-Asean Music Week etc. Chinese famous Composer Yang Liqing especially appreciated her premiere on his two works, Theme of Nine Shanxi Folk Songs and Sonatina during the 2nd New Music Week Of SCM in 2009. He remarked that “Her performance demonstrates elegant timbre and rich artistic conceptions, picturesque and vivid…”.  

Tang Jin had studied at The Music Primary and Middle School Affiliated to SCM under Prof. Zheng Shuxing, Fan Minjuan, Shen Mei, Wu Ying, and Shao Dan. Later she went to Europe and studied under the world-renowned Pianist Prof. Alexei

 Lubimov, the last disciple of the Great Russian piano educator Heinrich Neuhaus, and also the German pianist Prof. Markus Groh. Then with top scores, she became the first grantee of the Master’s degree in piano performance from mainland China conferred by Mozarteum University of Salzburg. And in addition, she was granted the Artist Diploma by University of Music, Drama and Media Hannover, Germany. She reaped many significant awards such as Shanghai International Youth Piano Competition, Japan “Vienna Music” International Piano Competition and Austria Getwings-Steinwey Piano Competition, etc. She was the winner of the National Arts Scholarship granted by Department of Education, Science and Culture of Austria, as well as the Dean Scholarship, of Mozarteum University. 

In 2008, Tang Jin’s research project Bach Suite was sponsored by the Shanghai Pujiang Elite Program and therefore, she was awarded the title of Pujiang Scholar. She has been invited to serve as a judge for many influential piano competitions, as follows mainly, CCTV Piano Competition 2011, Sweden Nordic International Piano Competition 2014, China Shanghai International Students Piano Competition 2014, the 4th Germany Irmler International Piano Open Final 2015 and Italy Scriabin International Piano Competition 2016, etc. 

Tang Jin is associate professor of Music Middle School affiliated to Shanghai Conservatory of Music now.