
艺术专家 > 阎韵 Yim Wan

阎韵 Yim Wan

  约翰・艾勋钢琴大奖、阿巴特纪念奖及协奏曲奖得主,美国音乐荣誉学会Pi Kappa Lambda荣誉会员。

  阎韵出生于音乐世家,于中国各地及海外作频繁演出,曾多次与广州交响乐团,香港小交响乐团,香港中乐团及美国奥柏林室乐团合作演出协奏曲,担任独奏,也非常活跃于室乐表演,合作过的演奏家包括小提琴家吕思清、钱舟等。阎韵近年所灌录的唱片包括由现代音像发行与香港中乐团合录的中乐重奏系列,其中于2010至 2011年间推出两张个人专辑,《十二首史卡拉第奏鸣曲》为全球首张高音质的紫银合金AQCD钢琴独奏唱片,其中《YIM WAN AT FAZIOLI CONCERT HALL》乃应名琴《FAZIOLI》邀请往意大利Fazioli Concert Hall录制,唱片亦获音响杂志列为全年推介之选。音响技术杂志评论她的演奏「…琴音铿锵宏大,气派一流,气氛十足…」;「…琴艺亦绝对有大师风范…」。

  阎韵幼年曾于香港演艺学院随郭嘉特习琴,其后在美国奥柏林大学音乐学院及纽约茱莉亚音乐学院取得学士及硕士学位,师从莫尼克・杜菲尔及杰罗米・洛温素。曾赢取约翰・艾勋钢琴大奖及阿巴特纪念奖,同时又赢得协奏曲奖,1998年阎韵更被美国音乐荣誉学会Pi Kappa Lambda 选为荣誉会员。

教育方面,阎韵经常于香港及国内多个城市主持讲座及大师班,并为多个青少年钢琴比赛担任评判。她多年以来担任香港演艺学院校友会秘书长及执委会成员,乐于参与公益活动,于多个慈善筹款音乐会中献艺,致力支持及推广古典音乐予新一代。 除了活跃舞台演奏与及专注教学,近年阎韵更研习运动科学并将其知识范筹结合于演奏技巧的提升及协助因伤员困扰及复健中的演奏家和学员们迅速痊愈使技巧发挥更佳。



Yim Wan was born into a family of musicians, has given performances in various parts of China, and has been frequently invited as guest soloist with the Guangzhou Symphony Orchestra, the Hong Kong Sinfonietta, the Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra and the China Philharmonic Orchestra, and has been frequently.  Apart from giving recitals and concerto performances, Yim Wan is also an active figure in chamber music, having collaborated with violinists LuSiqing, Qian Zhou and among many others.  Recent years she has been collaborating with traditional Chinese instrumentalists in the chamber series by the Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra.  Her discography includes a Chinese chamber series recorded with the Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra and her solo album 12 Scarlatti Sonatas released under the Modern Audio (International) label.  It is the world’s first piano solo recording in AQCD technology.  Her second solo album “Yim Wan at Fazioli Concert Hall” recorded in Italy was released in 2011 summer.  The Audio Technique magazine describes her playing in these words, “……there is a metallic opulence to her notes.  Magnificent and truly engaging……”, and that “……her keyboard techniques demonstrate the éclat of a maestro…” 

Yim Wan is currently on the piano faculty of The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts and the Music Department of the Chinese University of Hong Kong and has been frequently giving lectures and masterclasses in Hong Kong and China, as well as adjudicating for piano competitions for youth.  Yim Wan has served as both the secretary-general and the executive committee member of The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts Alumni Association and actively participating in educational programs and charity projects, and has involved and performed in many fund-raising concerts to foster and support music students.  Sharing classical music around the world especially the youth is always her mission. 

Began her piano training at a young age with Gabriel Kwok before attending the Conservatory of Music at Oberlin College trained under Monique Duphil and subsequently the Juilliard School in New York where she obtained her Master’s degree under the tutelage of Jerome Lowenthal.