刘活石专长于钢琴合奏,曾联同多个乐团演出钢琴协奏曲,又多次举行双钢琴、钢琴四至八手联弹演奏会,曾为香港钢琴四重奏“Piano Extravaganza”成员之一 。她同时热衷声乐及艺术歌曲,为炙手可热的钢琴合作演奏者,又常作声乐指导,屡次兼任歌词翻译工作,所合作过的声乐演唱者不计其数。刘活石之弹奏被誉为“极具灵气...指触流利而敏感,音色美丽通透,音乐处理恰到好处,演奏蕴含诗意与深情”。
刘活石早年以优等成绩先后毕业于香港浸会学院音乐艺术系及英国伯明翰音乐学院,皆为两所学院之杰出旧生。在学时主修钢琴演奏,先后师承谭家杰及Malcolm Wilson,又分别随John Humphreys及Anthony Saunders研习钢琴伴奏及室乐演奏。她曾分别获两所学府颁发多项奖学金,更获伯明翰音乐学院颁授荣誉院士衔,并曾获邀为校外顾问。
Grace Lau has long established her piano education profession whilst giving music performances from time to time. Enjoying collaborative work, she had played with orchestras as soloist and as member of piano ensembles from 4-8 hands. She was one of the founding members of Hong Kong Piano Quartet “Piano Extravaganza”. Besides, her expertise in vocal accompanying and coaching has earned her many recital engagements. Her playing exhibits sensitive touch and exquisite tone with poetic ideas and profound thoughts.
Honored as distinguished alumni, Lau graduated with distinction both from the Hong Kong Baptist University and the Birmingham Conservatoire inEngland, majoring in piano performance with Ka kit Tam and Malcolm Wilson respectively. Moreover she studied piano accompanying with John Humphreys and received chamber music coaching from Anthony Saunders. Receiving a number of awards and scholarships from both of the institutes, Lau was also designated the Honorary Membership from the Conservatoire upon her accomplishment in the music profession and had been invited to be the external advisor.
Lau has been on the piano faculty of the Music Department of HK Baptist University since 1992. At present, she also teaches at the Education University of HK and the School of Continuing & Professional Studies of the Chinese University. Throughout the years, she has given lectures on aural perception, keyboard skills, general musicianship, performance practice, piano pedagogy, piano collaborative playing as well as conducted piano masterclasses and adjudicated for various piano competitions.
In recent years, Lau advocates the importance of physical fitness with music performance. Lau was the ‘Kawai’ charity ambassador of the Parsons Music Foundation last year. She is currently a ‘Fazioli’ endorser, consultant of Melos Music and the artistic director of Los Cantantes.