
艺术专家 > 陈韵劼 Yunjie Chen

陈韵劼 Yunjie Chen

  陈韵劼,当代中国最优秀的青年钢琴家之一,中央音乐学院钢琴系主科教研室青年教师,“珠江•恺撒堡”艺术家 。

  陈韵劼先后毕业于美国曼哈顿音乐学院学士学位和茱莉亚音乐学院硕士学位,最后以艺术家文凭毕业于克利夫兰音乐学院。 陈韵劼12岁获得中华人民共和国文化部举办的全国钢琴比赛第一名(1992年,福州),1994年在我国首次举行的国际音乐比赛----中国国际钢琴比赛中获得第二名。1999年,陈韵劼赴美开始了十余年的学习,并先后多次在重大国际钢琴比赛中获奖,其中包括在欧洲久负盛名规格最高的德国爱特林根国际钢琴大赛、西班牙桑坦德国际钢琴大赛和法国玛格丽特.隆国际钢琴比赛(在玛格丽特.隆国际钢琴比赛中,陈韵劼还获得莫扎特和肖邦两个重要的特别奖); 美国认知度最高的赛事基纳·巴考尔国际钢琴比赛、辛辛那提国际钢琴比赛、克利夫兰国际钢琴比赛和青年音乐家职业演出选拔赛(Young Concert Artist international audition); 韩国最高级别的音乐赛事尹伊桑国际音乐大赛和首尔国际音乐大赛等。 陈韵劼受邀担任2012美国克里夫兰国际青少年比赛、2013中央音乐学院“学院杯”比赛、2013、2015“珠江•恺撒堡”全国青少年钢琴大赛评委。 陈韵劼先后师从上海音乐学院张隽伟、郑曙星、王羽、林尔耀、尤大淳、邵丹、吴迎教授; 美国曼哈顿音乐学院凯文教授; 美国朱丽亚音乐学院卡普林斯基、瑞卡利教授; 美国克里夫兰音乐学院波尔弟教授。陈韵劼还曾随傅聪大师在世界著名的意大利科莫湖大师班学习。

  陈韵劼是中国首位公演全套斯克里亚宾奏鸣曲的钢琴家。2015年4月27日适逢斯克里亚宾逝世一百周年,陈韵劼在北京中山音乐堂举行中国首次斯克里亚宾奏鸣曲全集音乐会,在国内音乐界引起巨大反响。这也是世界上首次在单场音乐会中演奏全部十首斯克里亚宾奏鸣曲。 2016年-2017年,陈韵劼将在全国及美国,韩国巡演“钢琴之王的盛宴【李斯特练习曲全集】专题音乐会”。


Yunjie Chen is a Professor of Piano of the Central Conservatory of Music in Beijing, China.

He was born in Jiaxing city. Displaying extraordinary talent at a young age, Yunjie’s gifts were nurtured at the Shanghai Music Conservatory. Yunjie subsequently earned degrees from the Manhattan School of Music, Juilliard and Cleveland Institute of Music. His mentors include You Dachun, Shao Dan, Wu Ying , Phillip Kawin, Yoheved Kaplinsky, Matti Raekallio and Antonio Pompa-Baldi.

Mr. Chen won first prize in the national piano competition of China at the age of twelve. He then won the China international piano competition in 1994. During his studies in the States, he won prizes in many important International piano competitions such as Santander in Spain; Cincinnati, Cleveland, YCA, Gina Bachuer in the States; Long-Thibaud in France; Isang Yun and Seoul in Korea.

In 2011 he became the youngest piano faculty of the Central Conservatory of Music in Beijing. Since then, his students have won top prizes in important international competitions such as Imola in Italy, Chopin in Russia, Ettilingen in Germany. They have also won many important Chinese national piano competitions such as the Spring of Shanghai, Xinghai and Zhu Jiang.

In 2015, Yunjie Chen toured in more than 30 cities in Korea, China and the States with a very special program of complete 10 Scriabin piano sonatas in one single concert and complete 23 Liszt Etudes in 2 concerts.His complete Scriabin Sonata DVD has been released under China National Record Company label earlier this year.