
艺术专家 > 刘孟捷 Meng Chieh Liu

刘孟捷 Meng Chieh Liu






  刘孟捷出生于台湾高雄,曾就读于高雄盐埕小学及台北师大附中国中部音乐班,师从李金里老师及宋允鹏教授。13岁获台湾区音乐比赛少年组第一名,14岁获得亚太少年钢琴大赛冠军,立刻受到台湾及国际乐坛的瞩目。刘孟捷考入柯蒂斯音乐学院,跟随约尔格•博莱特(Jorge Bolet)、克劳德•弗兰克(Claude Frank),以及伊莲诺尔•索克罗夫(Eleanor Sokoloff)等大师学习。他16岁时荣获米谢斯拉夫•孟兹钢琴比赛(Mieczyslaw Munz Competition),以及斯特拉文斯基分龄国际大赛(Stravinsky Competition)首奖。

  刘孟捷曾荣获艾弗里•费舍职业大奖(Avery Fisher Career Grant),1993年,当他还是一名柯蒂斯音乐学院学生的时候,曾经代替钢琴大师安德烈•瓦兹(André Watts)在费城音乐厅演出。这次完美的音乐会,让刘孟捷首度登上费城当地的新闻头条,赢得许多高度的赞赏。成功演出之后,一些重量级的邀约接踵而来,包括华盛顿肯尼迪中心的演出、费城的巨星系列音乐会,以及与费城交响乐团的合作演出。蓄势待发的刘孟捷,其实早已是一位身经百战的钢琴家。1987年他就已登上纽约卡内基音乐厅的舞台;1991年受邀与纽约少年交响乐团同台演出。


浴火重生之后,刘孟捷以独奏家的姿态重返舞台,除举办个人钢琴独奏会外,也与许多知名指挥家和乐团合作,他曾经合作过的指挥家包括:克里斯托夫•艾森巴赫 (Christoph Eschenbach)、古斯塔沃•杜达梅尔 (Gustavo Dudamel)、艾伦•吉尔伯特 (Alan Gilbert) 等大师。


  刘孟捷是施坦威签约艺术家,时常受邀参与世界各地的音乐节,并与各国知名音乐家与室内乐团合作演出,如:小提琴家什木尔•阿什肯纳斯 (Shmuel Ashkenasi)、詹姆士•巴士威尔 (James Buswell)、温迪•华纳 (Wendy Warner);大提琴家戴维•索耶 (David Soyer)、伯纳德•格林豪斯 (Bernard Greenhouse),以及巴洛米欧 (Borromeo String Quartet)和圣劳伦斯 (St. Lawrence String Quartet)弦乐四重奏。除了与音乐相关的演出之外,刘孟捷也曾积极参与跨领域的表演艺术演出,他参与过舞蹈巨星米哈伊尔•巴里什尼科夫 (Mikhail Baryshnikov) 和白橡木舞蹈计划等。刘孟捷的现场音乐会,时常被电台频道转播;台湾的电视台也曾将刘孟捷人生故事制作成专辑播出。

  2002年,刘孟捷获颁艾弗里•费舍职业大奖(Avery Fisher Career Grant)和费城音乐基金会职业成就奖(Philadelphia Musical Fund Society Career Advancement Award),再度肯定他对音乐的执着与专业水平。2008年,刘孟捷也获选为中国台湾第四十六届十大杰出青年,肯定他在音乐艺术上的成就。

  近年来,刘孟捷的演出足迹,除了曾完整演出录制舒伯特钢琴奏鸣曲外,也于2013-2015年完整演出录制勃拉姆斯全系列钢琴独奏作品;与台北市立交响乐团录制了贝多芬第四与第五钢琴协奏曲,于台湾发行;2013年与高雄市交响乐团,合作巡回演出;2014年,与台湾爱乐乐团和指挥吕绍嘉首次合作演出;同年年底,与北京紫禁城室内乐团合作巡回演出;2015年与知名中提琴家李腾,合作录制全新专辑《1938》;2016年,与知名小提琴家弗朗切斯卡•德帕斯卡尔(Francesca de Pasquale)合作录制唱片;随后,与国立台湾交响乐团首次合作演出勃拉姆斯《第一钢琴协奏曲》;6月与台湾爱乐乐团和吕绍嘉携手,合作演出肖斯塔科维奇《第一钢琴协奏曲》。

  除拓展演奏事业外,刘孟捷在教育传承上也相当倾心倾力,其教学也深获学生们的推崇与肯定。他自1993年开始任教于柯蒂斯音乐院至今,同时担任过十多年的室内乐演奏教研部主任;2006年受邀至芝加哥罗斯福大学 (Roosevelt University)担任钢琴教授;在2014年秋天加入新英格兰音乐学院 (New England Conservatory)的师资阵容。刘孟捷于2009年加入芝加哥独奏家乐集 (Chicago Chamber Musicians),担任音乐总监一职,其演出被《芝加哥古典乐评》赞誉为“完美无瑕的钢琴演奏”。

Meng-Chieh Liu, Pianist. A recipient of the prestigious Avery Fisher Career Grant, Meng-Chieh Liu first made headlines in 1993 as a 21-year-old student at The Curtis Institute of Music when he substituted a last minute's notice for André Watts at the Academy of Music in Philadelphia. The concert earned high acclaim from critics and audience alike, and was followed by a number of widely praised performances, including a recital at the Kennedy Center and a concert on the Philadelphia All-Star Series. Already an accomplished artist at the time, Mr. Liu had made his New York orchestral debut two years earlier.

Succeeding Mr. Liu's triumph in Philadelphia, an appearance with the Philadelphia Orchestra was immediately scheduled, but it was not to be. The stellar beginning of his career was abruptly halted by a rare and debilitating illness that affected his connective tissues. Hospitalized and almost immobile for a year, doctors believed his chances for survival were slim and, should he survive, playing the piano would be "absolutely impossible." With arduous determination and relentless physical therapy, Mr. Liu has been restored to full health and is now once again performing on the concert stage. Since then, he has performed throughout the world as a soloist in recitals and with orchestras under conductors Christoph Eschenbach, Gustavo Dudamel and Alan Gilbert.

In 2002, Liu received the Avery Fisher Career Grant and the Philadelphia Musical Fund Society Career Advancement Award. A sought-after musician and strong advocate of chamber music, Liu performs in music festivals across the globe and has worked with international musicians Shmuel Ashkenasi, David Soyer, Bernard Greenhouse, James Buswell, Wendy Warner as well as the Borromeo and St. Lawrence Quartets. Liu also collaborates with artists in varied disciplines, such as Mikhail Baryshnikov and the White Oak Dance Project, among other dance companies. His concerts have been heard over the airwaves around the world, and a biography on his life was broadcast on Taiwanese National Television.

Born in Kaohsiung, Taiwan, Meng-Chieh Liu began his piano studies early, and at age thirteen was accepted by The Curtis Institute of Music to study with Jorge Bolet, Claude Frank, and Eleanor Sokoloff, and received first prizes in the Stravinsky, Asia Pacific and Mieczyslaw Munzpiano competitions. Since 1993, Liu served on the piano and chamber music faculties at The Curtis Institute of Music where he coordinated the piano chamber music program from 1999-2009, and in 2006, he was invited to teach at Roosevelt University.

At the Fall of 2014, Liu join the faculty at the New England Conservatory. Liu also joined Chicago Chamber Musicians in the fall of 2009, and now serves as Artistic Director of the ensemble, where performances have already been acclaimed for his "faultless, discreetly balanced pianism" (Chicago Classical Review).