普列茨1956年出生于古巴卡馬居伊(Camagüey),毕业于国立艺术学院,曾获莫斯科柴科夫斯基音乐学院奖学金,随当时定居俄国的德国钢琴家鲁道夫·克列尔(Rudolf Kerer)深造,后进入巴黎音乐学院、维也纳高等音乐与艺术学院深造。他还在华沙参加过波兰钢琴家马尔库津斯基(Witold Malcuzynski, 1914-1977)的大师班。
普列茨是1977年巴黎“玛格丽特-隆-雅克蒂博”国际钢琴比赛大奖得主,同时还获得拉威尔(Maurice Ravel)与安德烈·若利维(André Jolivet)比赛最佳演绎奖、谢维隆·波纳尔(Chevillon Bonnard)特别奖。他还在保加利亚波波娃音乐节上获金奖,哈瓦那的罗尔丹钢琴比赛中获第一名。他曾担任众多国际比赛的评委或主席,并在许多著名学院担任客席教授。
Jorge Luis Prats was born in Camagüey, Cuba. His teachers in Cuba included such illustrious figures as Cesar Perez Sentenar, Barbara DìazAlea, Margot Rojas and Alfredo Diez. Upon graduation from the National Arts College he was awarded a scholarship to the Tchaikovsky Conservatory in Moscow where he studied under Rudolf Kerer. He continued his higher piano education at the Paris Conservatory and at the Hochschulefür Musik und Künstler in Vienna with Paul Badura Skoda and later with Magda Tagliaferro in Paris, also receiving master classes from Witold Malcuzcynski in Warsaw.
At the age of 21 Prats won the Grand Prix at the prestigious “Marguerite Long-Jacques Thibaud” piano competition in Paris (1977), also receiving special prizes for the best interpretation of Maurice Ravel and André Jolivet. He began performing widely, and even made a recital LP for Deutsche Gramophon. However, visa restrictions meant that big opportunities in the West were limited and the young Cuban chose to stay with his family over a career abroad. For more than 30 years, Jorge Luis Prats effectively disappeared from the international piano scene. His recent relocation to the U.S. has allowed that career to once again flourish. He has recorded for famous labels like EMI, Pathé Marconi (EMI France), Deutsche Grammophon, ASV, IMP, and Musical Heritage.
He is the master of the Cuban classical music repertoire from the eighteenth through nineteenth centuries, as well as the most important compositions by contemporary Cuban composers like Carlos Fariñas and Harold Gramatges. A consummate performer, Prats' concert tours have taken him throughout Europe, North, South and Central America, China, Japan and Korea. He has performed as a soloist with the Royal Philharmonic in London, the BBC Orchestra, EOS Orchestra of New York and the Dallas Symphony. In Mexico he has per¬formed with the Mexico City Orchestra, Ofunam Orchestra, and the Jalapa Orches¬tra. In South America he appeared with the Colombia Philharmonic and Venezuela's “Símon Bolivar” Orchestra.
Jorge Luis Prats has been the grateful recipient of support from Patrons of Exceptional Artists since 2006.