
艺术专家 > 安纳东利•扎汀 Anatoli Zatin

安纳东利•扎汀 Anatoli Zatin


  扎汀博士与妻子芙拉达•瓦西里耶娃(Vlada Vassilieva)创立的“DUO佩卓夫”双钢琴组合,是闻名于世的钢琴二重奏,并于2018年获得第19届美国国际钢琴二重奏比赛一等奖。



  扎汀博士毕业于圣彼得堡音乐学院,并获得音乐艺术博士学位,现任墨西哥科利马大学教授,同时兼任音乐系主任(2001-2011)和美术学院院长(2011- 2016),以及国家音乐学院的客座教师。

  他于2015年获得莫扎特奖章,并因其钢琴演奏和指挥活动于1990年获得联合国儿童基金会荣誉勋章。他曾多次在瑞典、挪威、德国、芬兰、英国、法国、意大利、俄罗斯、乌克兰、日本、中国、韩国、美国和墨西哥巡回演出,并在世界上许多最重要的音乐厅演出。1990年至1992年,他担任俄罗斯叶卡捷琳堡音乐剧院的艺术总监和巴赫室内乐团首席指挥。作为列宁格勒国家管弦乐团的客座指挥,他为苏联广播电台制作了一系列音乐会和唱片。1998年,他与墨西哥科利马大学共同制作了CD。2000年,他为莫斯科节日交响乐团录制了拉罗、萨拉萨蒂和里姆斯基-科萨科夫的作品(Azzurra Music公司出版)。他也为俄罗斯的“Melodia”,意大利的“Azzurra Music”和日本的Aurora Classical等公司录制过唱片。



Anatoli Zatin

Born in 1954, Anatoli Zatin graduated from the Saint Petersburg State Conservatory of Music as composer (PhD in 1983), concert pianist (MM in 1979) and orchestral conductor (MM in 1977). As composer he continues the traditions of the Russian school of composers: Sergey Slonimsky, S. Marton and M. Levin; and in 1979 he became the youngest member in the history of the Union of Composers of St Petersburg (formerly of the USSR). Dr. Zatin has been awarded numerous prizes in the artistic and musical environment: first prize at the Kiev Competition for Young Composers and Pianists (1968); second prize at the Sergei Prokofiev International Piano Competition (1979); prize of the Brass Wind Association for his Triple Concerto for French Horn, Trumpet, Piano and orchestra (1981); prizes of the USSR Association of Musical Theatre Artists for the best musical of the year (1987 and 1990), among others. In 1990 Dr. Zatin was presented with the UNICEF Medal of Honor for his activities as pianist and conductor. 

He was Artistic Director of the Musical Theatre and principal conductor of the BACH Chamber Orchestra in Yekaterinburg, Russia, from 1990 to 1992. As guest conductor with the Leningrad State Orchestra he made series of concerts and recordings for the USSR Central Radio station; as well as for "Melodiya" record label with several orchestras and ensembles, as conductor and pianist. In 1998 he produced the CD "Anatoli Zatin& BACH Chamber Orchestra" with the University of Colima in Mexico. In 2000 he conducted Moscow Festival Symphonic Orchestra for the CD recording "Lalo-Sarasate-Korssakoff" (Azzurra Music).

Dr. Zatin has performed at the most prestigious music festivals in the world: International Festival of Contemporary Music in Hungary, Musical Spring in St Petersburg (formerly Leningrad), International Art Festival in Korea, Stratford Shakespeare Festival in England, UNESCO International Festival in Leningrad, Black and White International Piano Festival in Mexico, Musicalta Festival in Alsace, Silver Lyre Chamber Music Festival in St Petersburg, Mozart International Festival in Shanghai, and many others. He has toured Sweden, Norway, Deutschland, Finland, England, France, Italy, Russia, Ukraine, Japan, China, Korea, United States of America and Mexico in numerous occasions, performing at many of the world's most important concert halls: National Arts Palace and National Auditory in Mexico; Opera City in Tokyo; St Petersburg Philharmonic Hall, Moscow Philharmonic Hall, First Concert Hall in Stockholm, Liszt Academy in Budapest, Carnegie Weil Hall in New York, ForoConfalone in Rome, Shakespeare Theatre in England, and the Philharmonic halls in Estonia, Georgia and Ukraine. Dr. Zatin has served as member of the jury at national and international piano competitions in Mexico, Ukraine, the Netherlands, United States of America and Canada.